Wordsmiths is a three-part docu-series focusing on local literary leaders throughout the Pacific Northwest area. The show was created and is hosted by local filmmaker Jonah Barrett (Bad Faith, The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire) OLY ARTS is proud to present this local series. Focusing on grassroots efforts, the first season of Wordsmiths features three interviews: Jackie Casella and Joshua Swainston of Creative Colloquy, Laura Stanfill of Forest Avenue Press, and Andrea Griffith of Browsers Bookshop.
The series was created with writers in mind and each episode focuses on a different aspect of the writer’s journey from sharing your work, to publication, to bookselling. At the end of each episode, viewers are given a piece of “homework” that they can carry out in their local communities, including starting book clubs, contacting local publishers, supporting indie bookstores and more. Barrett says, “I chose to create the series to help independent writers realize the options they have for getting their work out into the world.” Created as a kind of “PBS throwback,” Wordsmiths takes its time to analyze each aspect of the literary world of Washington and Oregon through a series of in-depth interviews.
Local artist Christian Carpenter is responsible for the series’ soundtrack. Barrett and Carpenter work closely together to create a new track for each episode, specializing in the lo-fi hip-hop jazz genre. Carpenter is joined by LA musicians Christian David Chinchilla and Megan Morrow, along with other local Olympian musicians soon to be announced.
Wordsmiths is a part of a bigger movement known as the Main Street Writers Movement, started by Forest Avenue Press’ Laura Stanfill. According to Stanfill, the movement “encourages writers to build genuine community on the local level with a focus on amplifying underrepresented voices and supporting regional literary organizations and businesses.”
Wordsmiths is presented by OLY ARTS as part of the Main Street Writers Movement. It is produced by Malicious Wallydrags.
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