2017: The Bow Weevils at The Oly Old Time Festival

by Kelli Samson for OLY ARTS

Olympia’s Bow Weevils are returning to The Oly Old Time Festival, the site of their 2016 debut. Prior to forming The Bow Weevils, Ruby Neatherlin (bass, fiddle, washboard), sisters Annie (fiddle, songwriting) and Ellie Davis (fiddle, guitar) and brothers Hatcher (guitar, mandolin) and Rizley Cox (banjo, fiddle, mandolin) played in a variety of different bands. Those bands included The Bow Pullers, The Rosin Roasters and The Sassafras Sisters. The five have known each other since toddlerhood, as their families played music together. Says Emily Teachout, mother of Ruby and a founder of the festival, “They’re the next generation. Hopefully they’ll be passing it on to their kids one day.”

The quintet ranges in age from 11 to 15. Explains Ellie, “It’s not common that one can see a kid band like ours playing old-time music, when we could be doing other things on a Friday night. It’s a unique experience that people should definitely see.”

What: The Bow Weevils

Where: South Bay Grange,
3918 Sleater Kinney Ave. E, Olympia

When: 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17

How much: $20

Learn more: Facebook | The Oly Old Time Festival

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(image courtesy of Oly Old Time Festival)
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