- Critic’s Corner: Best Visual and Performing Arts of 2024Many of the South Sound’s best theater and visual arts critics write for OLY ARTS. We asked six of them to highlight some of their favorite visual and performance art shows from 2024, and we congratulate and celebrate the Olympia and Tacoma-area artists selected. Due to the limitation we put on the critics of no more than two or three shows, we are aware of and acknowledge that many great shows and artists were not picked. We are lucky to live in such a vibrant creative community.
- Phantom of the Paradise RestagedThe operatic scale of “The Phantom of the Paradise,” with that awful scarred hero-villain, his teeth metal and his eyes mad, screaming into the night as he watches the seduction of the woman he loved … if all of this is getting your midnight cult classics motor revving, there might not ever be a better time to see it than on November 8th at the Capitol Theatre, where for its 50th anniversary it will be accompanied with a live band and an actor-adjacent performance on the stage.
- Nonprofit Anchor Partners Set to Begin Olympia Armory Project’s Creative Campus – Part OneDevelopment of a centralized arts hub has been a longtime pursuit for the City of Olympia, with compounded enthusiasm from local residents and organizations. Valerie Roberts, building manager for the Olympia Armory, said the city has called for a community-centered art space since the 1990s, repeatedly citing the demand in city planning documents.
- Fall/Winter 2024 Print EditionOly Arts Walk * Bucoda Spook-Tacular * Anna Schlecht * Tacoma Film Festival * Enterlope * Eileen Bochsler * OFT & More! You can read our 31st print edition here. It is hot off the press and distributed free in the area plus available online!
- Eileen Bochsler’s Arts Walk Cover Art is magical/foggyby Molly Gilmore — There’s a glow at the center of Eileen Bochsler’s encaustic painting Forest Awakening, made with layers upon layers of wax mixed with tree resin that give the painting its luminosity and texture featured on the cover of the fall Arts Walk map. Awakening will be on display at Splash Gallery — a cooperative where Bochsler’s encaustics are always hanging.
- Tacoma Film Festivalby Adam McKinney — Every time fall rolls around, cinephiles in the South Sound perk up their ears and await the arrival of the Tacoma Film Festival. This time around TFF has shortened things to just a four-day-weekend, running October 10-13; while there will be fewer movies than a week would provide, this shorter period of time will be absolutely crammed with entertainment, both at the Grand Cinema and at the Blue Mouse Theater.
- Corpses, Fools and Monsters: The History and Future of Transness in Cinema “It is a great honor to have such prominent authors [Willow Catelyn Maclay and Caden Mark Gardner] meet remotely with our community. They are lauded as two of the best film writers working today, and their new book is poised to become a foundational text about cinema and queer history.” Trans Film Festival and library Zoom event with authors.
- Getting to Know Olympia Film CollectiveThere’s one group that’s been working to build a professional infrastructure for filmmakers in Olympia: the Olympia Film Collective, which since 2012 has helped create a steady production of short films by local filmmakers, often shot in and around well-known Olympia locations and businesses.
- Lacey in Tune with Heart By HeartLacey Parks brings its popular Friday night “Lacey in Tune” concerts, kids programs, and movie nights downtown to Huntamer Park, kicking off on July 14 with Heart By Heart, the Seattle-based Heart-tribute rock band.
- Review: This Old WorldThis Old World at Childhood’s End through June 11 “is a show made by artists who have lived a full life, it is eloquent, and expertly executed but is also experimental.”
- Arts Walk 2023 Film and DanceIndicative of the vast art and entertainment to be found at Arts Walk, check out the OlyFilm and OlyAct film demo where You’re the Star!
- OlyFilm Celebrates a Decade of Indie FilmmakingOn December 12, a special 10-year anniversary retrospective event will be held at the Capitol Theater to celebrate The Olympia Film Collective’s decade of indie filmmaking.
- Old Tales Get a Twist in Digital Festival“Our community spans all time zones of the United States,” says Olympia actor Stephanie Kamau whose onstage acting experience includes productions at The Evergreen State College and who is now performing in the digital festival of one-act plays, “Twisted Tales.”
- Washington Center for the Performing Arts Announces 2022 – 2023 SeasonBy Molly Gilmore The Washington Center for the Performing Arts’ 2022-2023 season marks both a return to pre-pandemic norms — it’s the first full season with subscription plans since theaters closed in March 2020 — and a fresh start. When the season launches Nov. 4 with “Stunt Dog Experience,” the center will have a new …
- The Washington Center Announces 2021-2022 In-Person SeasonBy Molly Gilmore There’s big news for Olympia’s arts lovers: Though COVID-19 continues to require theaters to be prepared for all possibilities, The Washington Center for the Performing Arts has unveiled a 2021-2022 season. The season, kicking off Sept 16, offers music, comedy, theater and even performing dogs. “I’m just so excited to have people …
- Sky Bear Media: Olympia’s Indigenous Film CompanyBy Alec Clayton Olympia, the city of natural abundance, award-winning culture and celebrated diversity, is home to a video production that was founded by and is run by an indigenous filmmaker — Sky Bear Media. The company is housed in the Steamplant Building in the heart of downtown, described by company founder Jeff Barehand as …
- Olympia Gets Ready for the HolidaysBy Molly Gilmore Though plans for in-person film screenings have been postponed, The Washington Center for the Performing Arts is still getting into the spirit of the season. It’s what Jill Barnes, the center’s indefatigable executive director, calls “Operation Holiday Cheer.” The center had planned to reopen Thanksgiving weekend as a movie theater, showing Christmastime …
- CINE•FILES: The Secret of NIMHBy Ellis Boran The Secret of NIHM is an animated adventure movie based on Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (fun fact—the name was changed to Mrs. Brisby in the film due to trademark concerns with Frisbee) about a charming family of mice who try their hardest to relieve the sick little mouse, Timothy, …
- CINE•FILES: ShrekBy Ellis Boran Shrek is an animated adventure movie packed with action, drama, and lots of comedy. The movie is about how an ogre falls in love with a princess. The movie has a clear moral, to never judge a book by its cover. An ogre is considered a big, dumb, ugly beast, but this …
- CINE•FILES: Fantastic Mr. FoxBy Ellis Boran Fantastic Mr. Fox is a witty, animated heist movie about a family of foxes who raid nearby farms for nourishment. The characters are loveable and were fun to watch develop and, most of all, strategize throughout complicated and action-packed situations. One thing that I thought deserved more of an explanation was the …
- CINE•FILES: Okko’s InnBy Ellis Boran Okko’s Inn is about a young Japanese girl who becomes a junior innkeeper with help from three ghosts that represent relations of her friends and family. The characters are lovable and memorable, and the narrative is easy to follow. The animation gets an “A+” because of its amazing detail when it comes …
- CINE•FILES: Detective PikachuBy Ellis Boran Detective Pikachu, nominated for three Teen Choice Awards in 2019, is based in a fictional city inhabited by creatures called Pokémon. The movie is about a young man who hopes to find his dad. His dad was/is a detective, and he’s presumed dead from a car accident. The protagonist, Tim, and his …
- Olympia Locals Only Film Festival: Can’t Get These on NetflixBy Christina Butcher “Our biggest competition is the living room couch, but we’ve got a lot of hyper-local filmmakers presenting work at the festival.” Jonah Barrett, OFS marketing director There’s no better way to welcome the fall season than by grabbing popcorn, cozying up to loved ones and finding a quirky independent movie to watch …
- Submissions Open for 36th-Annual Olympia Film FestivalBy JONAH BARRETT The Olympia Film Society is now accepting submissions for its 36th-annual Olympia Film Festival. Filmmakers are welcomed to submit their films online until the deadline of December 23, 2019. Named one of the “Top 25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World” by MovieMaker Magazine in 2018, the Olympia Film Society has hosted the …
- CINE•FILES: Nausicaa of the Valley of the WindBy Ellis Boran Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is another amazing film by the Japanese writer/director Hayao Miyazaki. This movie is about Nausicaa, a young woman who risks her life to protect her home in the Valley of the Wind from a toxic jungle. The complicated part of the story is that, even …
- Summer Screenings at Olympia Film SocietyBy NOAH SHACHAR Summertime is coming around, and Olympia Film Society (OFS) welcomes warm weather with a new set of extraordinary films including Olivier Assayas’s philosophical romp Non-Fiction and Eric Becker’s documentary Return to Mount Kennedy. We spoke with programming director Rob Patrick about the screenings. As for Assayas, Patrick said, “The French director’s acclaimed …
- Lacey in Tune: Reptileman and ‘Smallfoot’By Billy Thomas Zoologist and educator Scott Petersen will present live reptiles in a 40-minute show that teaches the importance of all animals in nature and allows kids to get up close and personal with these amazing creatures. Following his show, join the Lacey Museum staff to search for Sasquatch. At dusk will be a …
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show at Olympia Film SocietyBy NOAH SHACHAR Some movies win Academy Awards, are nearly forgotten and hardly spoken about again. Some movies are simply boring, while others are entertaining or insightful. But a few movies ignite themselves in a blazing pyre to emerge as a phoenix from smoldering ashes ever livelier, more passionate and mesmerizingly intriguing — growing and …
- CINE•FILES: Howl’s Moving CastleBy Ellis Boran Howl’s Moving Castle is about a girl named Sophie Pendragon who has her youth stolen from her by an evil witch. She then meets a magic scarecrow who is the result of a spell set by an evil entity’s henchman. The scarecrow leads Sophie to the mobile castle powered by a demon …
- CINE•FILES: Spiderman: Into the Spider-VerseBy Ellis Boran I’m Ellis Boran, and it is a pleasure to start my own film review column, “Cine-Files!” My first movie review will be on the new animated film Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse. Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse is about a young boy named Miles Morales who is intrigued and bewildered at becoming the new …
- Olympia Film Collective’s Studio SessionsBy NOAH SHACHAR A film takes a village. The Olympia Film Collective (OFC) gathers that village and provides resources to catalyze its talents. OFC’s produced dozens of short films since its establishment in 2012, and one of its production venues is the OFC Studio. We spoke with Brendon Thompson, a member of the studio committee, …
- Arts and Culture Events This Memorial Day WeekendBy Billy Thomas As the weather continues to warm up, and the sun — that’s that bright thing in the sky, for those of us who have forgotten, due to its infrequent presence — begins to shine brighter, the promise of a long weekend is a reprieve from the slog. For readers who are looking …
- Olympia Film Society Introduces Screen ScoresBy NOAH SHACHAR Cinema and music have been intertwined since the debut of moving pictures. With the invention of sound cinema, however, we lost the combination of a live orchestra playing alongside the silver screen. Starting in May, Olympia Film Society (OFS) introduces an all-new film program series, Screen Scores. The program attaches live ensembles …
- Ben Moore’s Space Set to Transform into ‘Percival Place’By Billy Thomas South Puget Sound Community College announced that it has partnered with the City of Olympia to transform the former Ben Moore’s restaurant into Percival Place at Ben Moore’s. The special event location will provide the college the opportunity to return to downtown Olympia, bringing with it its mission of education and workforce …
- May’s Olympia Design Month: We Build This CityBy CHRISTIAN CARVAJAL Janae Huber and other citizens launched the group Olympians for People-Oriented Places in 2015. Their goal was to support a compact, diverse Olympia designed around attractive public spaces. Abbreviated O-POP, the organization recognizes the challenges of housing an estimated thousand new residents each year without sacrificing environmental protections or civic beauty. Toward …
- 2018 State of the ArtsBy Billy Thomas and Lydia Boss, special contributor Artist Trust is a nonprofit dedicated to helping Washington State artists of all disciplines thrive. Its mission is to support and encourage artists working in all disciplines to enrich community life throughout Washington State. Founded in 1986, it was formed by a group of artists and arts lovers who …
- February and March Events at Olympia Film SocietyBy Noah Shachar Kicking 2019 off with live music, cult-classic cinema, and a black-tie gala, Olympia Film Society, is lighting up downtown Olympia’s Capitol Theater in style. Starting in February with“Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” on Feb. 3, OFS continues the screenings into Feb. 10 and 22, said OFS Marketing Director Jonah Barrett. Thusly, viewers …
- Olympia Film Society: Winter EventsBy Noah Shachar Olympia Film Society plans a slew of enriching events for its historic, downtown location, the Capitol Theater, this winter. Marketing director Jonah Barrett said OFS will start the winter season with Nov. 24, 25 and 28 screenings of “massive cult classic” The Big Lebowski in celebration of its 20th anniversary. At the …
- Broadway Olympia’s “Rocky Horror”By Molly Gilmore Broadway Olympia’s production of The Rocky Horror Show — opening, oh so fittingly, on Halloween — was more than two decades in the making. That’s quite a feat considering the musical-theater company launched its first season just two months ago. It all began in 1995, when managing director Kyle Murphy first saw …
- Rodents of Unusual Size Swarm the Capitol TheaterBy Karen Lunde and Billy Thomas Imagine a 20-pound rodent that looks like a weird cross between a beaver and a rat. It has enormous orange teeth and a skinny tail. It lives in swampy, tidal areas and dines mostly on aquatic plants. It procreates prolifically. You’ve got yourself a nutria, and it’s the subject …
- Olympia Film CollectiveBy Jonah Barrett Camera speed. Sound speed. Action! The Olympia Film Collective is set to expand with a torrent of upcoming productions. OFC has been around since 2012 but only recently snagged its official status as a nonprofit. Operating out of Sky Bear Media off Legion Way, OFC holds general meetings once a month, operating …
- Olympia Film Society Fall EventsBy Adam McKinney One of Olympia’s most consistent deliverers of fascinating movies and enriching, live events is Olympia Film Society, housed in the historic Capitol Theater. While not all of OFS’ fall events have been announced, more than a few attention-worthy screenings are already on the docket. “We’re having the 30th anniversary of All Freakin’ …
- New Film Project: Loss of Mt. RainierBy MELISSA AVRIL HARRIS Loss of Mt. Rainer is the latest production from the Olympia Film Collective, a non-profit organization of talented local filmmakers aiming to produce features and shorts that reflect the beauty and vibrancy of the Pacific Northwest. The short film borrows from Edgar Allan Poe’s macabre short story entitled Loss of …
- Jeff Barehand at the Seattle International Film Festivalby Bryan Willis for OLY ARTS How does a stay-at-home dad get bitten by the video bug and wind up with an invitation to the famous Sundance Native Lab? “It was my kids,” explains local filmmaker Jeff Barehand. “I made videos of my kids to send back to my parents. Without family I wouldn’t have …
- White Ravens and the Art of Listeningby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS The island archipelago of Haida Gwaii lies 585 miles from Olympia, WA. These islands serve as the heartland of the Haida Nation, and the setting of Georg Koszulinski’s new social justice documentary, White Ravens. The film focuses on the history of the Indigenous Haida Nation and their current resistance …
- Spring Films and Events at Olympia Film Societyby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS FRANKIE COSMOS April 18 “Frankie Cosmos is the best band to listen to while you’re hugging a small dog or getting splashed with rain by a bus,” said programming director Rob Patrick. “We recommend everyone come out to the show to cry together.” SERA CAHOONE April 21 “We’re excited …
- Olympia Film Collective Seeking New Voices* Article updated with additional comments from Oly Film Collective * by Alec Clayton for OLY ARTS Olympia Film Collective “Studio” are short film projects shot in four-to-six-hour timeslots. The Collective, an ad hoc group of local filmmakers, is seeking new voices who can help create upcoming “Studio” projects. The upcoming “Studio” slots include two project …
- Winter Movies at Olympia Film Societyby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS Winter is in full swing in Olympia, so this is the best time of year to enjoy a warm theater, a big screen and a tub of popcorn at Olympia Film Society. OFS has curated a fine list of wonderful and unique films that will help you escape the …
- Olympia Film Festival: A New Perspective(photo by: Jaima Sadira) by Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS It’s no secret the filmmaking world is male-dominated. With every straight, white, college boy setting out to make the umpteenth homage to The Godfather or Pulp Fiction, it can feel as though the industry is running out of ideas. It doesn’t have to be that …
- The Washington Center Season Launchby Kelli Samson for OLY ARTS The Washington Center for the Performing Arts has been closed for the summer while the City of Olympia made updates to the HVAC system. Rest assured, come October 5 the center will open its 32nd season with an energetic performance by Gaelic Storm. While every act slated to grace …
- Promised Land From Tall Firs Cinemaby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS St. Martin’s University will screen the award-winning, social-justice documentary Promised Land, which follows the Chinook and Duwamish tribes of the Pacific Northwest as they fight for restoration of treaty rights they’ve long been denied. Promised Land is the premiere feature from filmmaker duo Sarah and Vasant Salcedo, the team …
- Olympia Film Society Showcases Miyazaki and Moreby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS During the last days of summer, Olympia Film Society makes a special effort to appeal to younger viewers — especially budding cinema fans. On the calendar are three film experiences that will be sentimental for adults and enthralling for children of all ages. First is David Evans’ 1993 cult …
- It’s Just a Jump to the Leftby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS “I see you shiver, with antici …” On July 15, things are bound to get a little spooky (and raunchy) down at the Capitol Theater. The Rocky Horror Picture Show will screen at midnight, featuring The Blue Mouseketeers, a live shadow cast. Audience participation is more than expected — …
- Summer Movie Nights 2017Summers are the joyful peak of the year in the Pacific Northwest. To soak up summer evenings, many people enjoy movies under the stars. In Lacey, Tumwater and Olympia’s west side, three local venues provide generally family-friendly cinema experiences. Movies start at dusk, but often guests can arrive early to enjoy food, live music and …
- Summer Screenings at Olympia Film Societyby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS This June and July, the Olympia Film Society has a number of fascinating films up their sleeve. Some of these screenings have multiple showings, while some are a one-night-only extravaganza. Happy watching! Hidden Figures with post-film Q&A 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 24 For anyone who loves space, diversity or …
- Obliterated Families Film Screeningby Christina Butcher for OLY ARTS The effects of war and military offenses echo through a community long after the battles end. It’s a harsh reality that’s often forgotten, but photographer Anne Paq and journalist Ala Qandil hope to bring the issue back into mainstream media with their independent film Obliterated Families: Intimate Portraits of …
- Clyde-o-Scope at The Evergreen State Collegeby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS As a medium, stop-motion animation has been around for well over 100 years, being first introduced by J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith in 1897’s The Humpty Dumpty Circus. A new stop-motion film, Torrey Pines, will be screened at The Evergreen State College on April 19. Clyde Petersen …
- Ebb and Flow With the Yamashitasby Molly Gilmore for OLY ARTS Ebb and Flow is the story of an immigrant family and an immigrant oyster. The documentary follows longtime oysterman Jerry Yamashita of Seattle and his father, Masahide Yamashita, who emigrated from Japan to the United States in 1902 at age 19. Masahide was instrumental in bringing to the Northwest …
- Revolution at the Capitol Theaterby Jonah Barrett for OLY ARTS A riot is coming to town! Russian activist band Pussy Riot’s own Marina Alyokhina and Pussy Riot Theater will present the world premiere of their new, live, musical-theatrical performance, Revolution, at the Capitol Theater. Alyokhina, recounting her experiences with Pussy Riot, based Revolution on her book of the same …
- SINK Premiereby Nora Kovacs for OLY ARTS For almost two years, members of South Puget Sound Community College’s film and production program have been hard at work on an intense feature film entitled SINK. Filmed and sourced entirely in Olympia, SINK will be presented to the public for the first time on January 28. Written by …
- Bobcat Goldthwait at the Capitol Theaterby Molly Gilmore for OLY ARTS Early in his career, Bobcat Goldthwait was a scratchy-voiced comedian and actor with a penchant for screaming. Those of a certain age might remember him from such film roles as Zeb in Police Academy 2. For the past 25 years, Goldthwait has been quietly—relatively speaking—spending time behind the camera. …
- The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire PremiereThe Olympia Film Society will present the debut feature film from writer and director Jonah Barrett, a film student at The Evergreen State College and staff writer for OLY ARTS. Barrett describes his film, The Fabricated Partner of Cody McGuire, as a mashup of the spy, science fiction, action and comedy genres. This 76-minute narrative …
Our Film Coverage is Sponsored by Olympia Film Society. Thank you, OFS!