Governor’s Arts Award for Terry Shaw

by Molly Gilmore for OLY ARTS Choir director, composer, and teacher Terry Shaw has won a Governor’s Arts Award, to be presented Nov. 14. Shaw was named a Young Arts Leader, an award that recognizes his contributions to the arts and impact on the community. Shaw, who teaches wrestling and choral music at Timberline High …

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Caddie Derby

Hit the Trails With Masterworks Choral Ensemble

by Molly Gilmore for OLY ARTS This fall, Masterworks Choral Ensemble takes a break from traditional tunes to head for the Old West. The group’s next concert, Way Out West: Beloved American Ballads, surveys that “Home on the Range” — and yes, that tune is included — with music from the westward expansion or inspired …

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Brianna Kramer

Take a Walkabout at MCE’s Outback Odyssey

by Molly Gilmore for OLY ARTS Masterworks Choral Ensemble’s Outback Odyssey, set for Saturday, will include the United States premiere of “Dreams & Visions,” a 50-minute piece by Australian composer John Peterson. A 10-piece string orchestra will accompany the choir for the concert, which focuses on contemporary choral and orchestral music of Australia. Commissioned by …

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